Portfolio – Research CV design

I felt it was essential to start this by researching good CV design and looking at clear examples of what to do and what not to do. Based off of examples we had been given I had seen one or two which I really liked. Building mine using good features of theirs and ensuring to create a CV which shows off my design style and personality is essential to this.

Screenshot 2019-05-22 at 09.50.34

Screenshot 2019-06-03 at 18.14.42

Shown above are two examples which look very different one purely type and the other with the use of a photo of them. I like both and will see if I can create a CV that uses both of those features in my own.

I then went on to look at more CV’s that I could find online that I felt would be good to reference as I created my own. Also, taking the information I gained from the prior workshop I was confident I would create a CV that best represented me as a designer.